A quarter of our future energy supply will come from offshore renewable energy.
Bluespring drives projects, innovations and education in the sustainable blue economy. Bluespring is here to support the growth of your blue business.
Be green, go blue!
Our services
Turning your ideas into successfully funded projects, moving your innovation towards Technology Readiness Level 9 are just a few of the services we offer at Bluespring.
As an ocean renewable consultancy and project agency,
we are committed to our clients and towards a sustainable blue economy. This means that we listen to what you need
and provide you with tailored solutions.
Always on time and within budget.
Have a look at the range of solutions we offer our clients
Why blue energy
Energy from water is always available and predictable.
Summer, winter, day and night.
New industry adds value to the entire supply chain and creates new jobs.
Complementary to wind and sun both in terms of space and energy production profiles.
No visual intrusion in the landscape.
Uses climate change as a positive force: combining mitigation with adaptation. Generating energy from sustainable sources combined with flood protection and coastal protection.

Turning ideas in tangible results
As industry leader, we work with all kinds of clients: local or global, and with governments, companies or entrepreneurs. I have a deep interest in
how we can harvest the abundant energy offered by rivers, tides and waves. Used well it will help coastal regions to achieve their net-zero targets in 2050. This is the foundation of our business and the driving force behind all decisions.
I have 25 years of experience in the development of ocean energy projects; turning ideas into tangible results such as prototypes and pilot projects, collaborative research and demonstration projects and activating international networks.
Ir Peter Scheijgrond M.Eng M.Phil
CEO Bluespring