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Developing skills for a sustainable Blue Economy


The emerging sustainable Blue Economy requires a lot of skills knowledge and talent. We recognize this urgency and are dedicated to developing training and education to advance the sector. Bluespring partners up with national and international universities and training partners to develop high-quality content on ocean renewable energy and for re-skilling the existing workforce.


Discover our range of educational support:

  1. E-learning platform

  2. Guest lectures, face-to-face workshop, summer courses, and training

  3. Collaborative Education projects

  4. Instructional trainings and master classes to onboard researchers

Billia Croo wave energy test site control room with Florence.jpeg

Custom educational solutions




Lectures & workshops




& reskilling
Online courses


Bluespring partnered with Deftiq in the ENCORE project to create high-quality online training courses on offshore renewable energy.


There are eight stand-alone online courses in total. The topics cover an Introduction to ORE, Technology Development, Testing, O&M, Certification, Finance, Environment, and Policy. All courses are available anytime & anywhere.​ You can directly access the first three published courses from here:


We design and give master classes, lectures, workshops, summer schools and post academic courses on Ocean Renewables. You will learn first hand from our industry expert.


We target all ages and backgrounds, both online and face-to-face and have worked with numerous education partners. We build on 25 years of experience.


Invite Bluespring if you are
in need of high-quality content  formats and someone to present it.



Closing skills gap

​We promote a culture of lifelong learning. We build strong skills partnerships to support the emerging ocean renewable energy sector.


With experience in manufacturing supervision, installation & operation,  Bluespring is your knowledge partner to implement key actions to close skills gaps of your workforce

Research support

With a background firmly rooted in R&D, we understand the role of research institutes and test facilities in de-risking innovations.


Bluespring is your knowledge partner to develop instructional trainings and master classes to onboard researchers and external guests at your facilities. 


Upcoming Events

Institutes we work with

DEFTIQ, IEC-Academy, Post Academisch Onderwijs (PAO), De Oude Bibliotheek (DoB), Energy & Climate Academy etc.



The contributions from the Education Advisory Board are gratefully acknowledged: Ghent University, The European Marine Energy Centre, IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission, The University of Exeter, University of Plymouth, Stichting Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut, Technical University of Delft, Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy (INORE), De Oude Bibliotheek, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, CEMIE-OCEANO and the POES Network.

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