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About us

Turning the tide

The sea offers the world an abundant source of clean energy. 
At Bluespring we see close linkages between sources of energy, climate change, and the wellbeing of people. We are concerned yet hopeful about the future of our planet. Bluespring has the ambition to have a significant impact as a project partner, thought-leader and technical expert in the field of innovative offshore renewable energy solutions. We’re the ones who
speed up, test and prove ORE tech potential and readiness. 

All starts with raising awareness through effective communication. Training and education are key to supporting the growth of the sustainable Blue Economy.



Meet The Team

Our Story



Bluespring is a company that builds on the solid reputation of Peter and Davide in ocean energy, complemented by the multi-communications talents of Sia and Marc's strategic insights for business growth. 


Peter has a track record of over 25 years in initiating, financing, and managing projects. He comes to the stage in complex assignments, that require multi-disciplinary and international teams with a focus on delivering physical pilot and demonstration projects. 


Davide Magagna complements the team with a decade of experience shaping policies at European level and working with national governments. He has a keen interest in building support for the sector at grassroots policy level, creating positive buy-in from all stakeholders to achieve success in private-public partnerships.


Bluespring, the next step towards 
offshore renewable energy


Bluespring is the new name for MET-support, the predecessor widely known and respected in our field of work. Now the company has entered the next phase and has chosen a new brand name to go with it.


We are assembling a group of partners to tackle  Blue Economy challenges. For instance, we have joined forces with Singapore-based ORANGE DELTA PTE LTD to offer a one-stop-shop for European-Asian offshore renewable energy projects. We have also rapidly expanded our network in Central America




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Ad van Wijk, Professor Future Energy system,

"I have know Peter as a creative and innovative man who is able to manage complex innovation projects. He is able to bring together and manage a network of partners and stakeholders to realize projects. He is persuasive, maintains a clear focus and a pleasant guy to work with."

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Glenn Bijvoets, Innovation Leader at ENECO Strategy & Innovation

"I have worked with Peter on several marine energy projects within Eneco. He is a very dedicated professional who is able to make things happen and he has a broad knowledge of the sector. He demonstrated to be a pleasant and open-minded team-player to work with."


Freerk Bisschop, Director Energy at Rockstart

"Peter is maybe 'the hardest working man in the marine energy business'. He has established miracles in bringing technology, people and funding together. When he comes on stage, one cannot ignore him - he's hard to beat. I've loved to work with him, through good and bad times."

Our Clients

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E-learning platform
Bluespring collaborates with Deftiq on the development of high-quality and authoratative E-Learning courses on offshore renewable energy.  The target audience for these courses are technology developers, engineers, young professionals, researchers, investors and policy makers. The courses will help gain valuable insights into all aspects of the ORE sector in an engaging way. 



Tidal stream turbines

For many years, Bluespring managed complex projects on behalf of Tocardo, developer of tidal stream turbines.



Leading dredging and marine experts

Bluespring conducted a global market strategy for marine energy for Boskalis and provided strategic input for their tidal projects.



Netherlands Water Partnership

We executed a survey and report about export opportunities for the Dutch marine energy sector.

NWP is a strong network of Dutch water organisations, working worldwide.



Ministry of Infrastructure and water
Bluespring created a detailed financial simulation model for tidal stream turbines in the Brouwerdam, integrating design parameters,  power performance curves, CAPEX and OPEX data and financial parameters in order to determine the best scenario, calculate the Levelised Cost of Energy and understand the sensitivity of parameters in the model.


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Ministry of foreign affairs

Bluespring contributed towards the successful implementation of the Strategic Renewable Energy Plan for Uganda  in the field of geothermal resource exploration and established a working relationship between Dutch experts and Ugandan government in view of future investment opportunities for Dutch private sector.


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Ministry of economic affairs & climate

We organised workshops and wrote an comprehensive report on the status, needs and challenges of the sector and developed a roadmap for energy from water.



International Electrotechnical Commision

Bluespring is an active participant in the IEC TC114 developing standard for marine energy converstors and the IECRE Sector Working Group on developing certification for marine energy convertors.

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BlueTEC project
Bluewater approached Bluespring to support their development of a floating platform for tidal turbines. Our cooperation resulted in the demonstration of the BlueTEC project near the island of Texel



Post-graduate training and courses

We developed and moderated courses and workshops on marine energy for offshore companies and supply chain. The goal of ECA is to  offer education in green energy and environmental matters in cooperation with the best lecturers to be found globally, like Bluespring.



Dutch marine energy centre

Bluespring was a driver behind the transformation of Tidal Testing Centre into DMEC, building a new community, attracting key-staff members and build a portfolio of international collaboration projects worth over 50m €.



Media company, specifically facilitating the maritime and offshore industry

Since 2014 MET-support works closely with Navingo on marine energy content for the annual Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference, creating a dedicated pavilion and conference stream for marine energy.


For over 25 years I have been involved in the development of marine energy projects;  turning ideas into tangible results such as prototypes and pilot projects, collaborative research and demonstration projects and activating international networks.

I gained my work experience through working for Philips, Strathclyde University, Deltares, Ecofys, Bluewater, Tocardo, Tidal Testing Centre and Dutch Marine Energy Centre.

For 7 years I lived and studied in Scotland where I was inspired by the pioneers of marine energy and developed my passion for the subject.  In 1996 I obtained my Masters in Engineering from the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art in Product Design Engineering on the design of a river current turbine that pumps water for irrigation for use in developing countries. I received the Glasgow Innovation Award  for my project. I then used the price money to build and test a prototype and obtain a post doc degree from the Energy Research Unit at Strathclyde University with my thesis on “The exploitation of Marine Currents”.


I soon realised that a commercial market for this sector, needs standards and certification. And that was a missing piece. So I started volunteering for the IEC to help develop new technical specifications and certification schemes together with many other international experts. For my contributions towards developing standards and certification for marine energy convertors I received the International Electrotechnical Commission 1906 Award and just recently a nomination for the NENnovation Awards 2020 category committee members.




- EWA, chairman

- IECRE, Convenor IECRE Scope of Certification marine energy convertors

- NEN, chairman of Dutch-mirror committee for IEC TC114 on the development of technical specifications for marine energy convertors

- UN Global Compact, signatory

- Pact for Skills on Offshore Renewable Energy, signatory

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